

About Deparment :

The Government of India have constituted Soldier’s Board in 1919 throughout the union to look after the rehabilitation of serving, discharged and families of deceased Indian Soldiers. The nomenclature of this Soldiers’ Board was subsequently changed as Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board to include Naval and Air Force Personnel.
The Government of Madras Constituted Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board in each District, in the year 1943.

On the cessation of World War II, on account of demobilization of large number of personnel from the Armed Forces the problems like, settlement of account, grant of pensions and restoration of lands, medical treatment, distribution of thousands of Medals/Stars, etc. had to be looked into the Government of India proposed to the Sate Governments that the expenditure and maintenance of the District Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Boards should be shared equally between the Central and State Governments.

In 1945, the Government of Madras re-organised the Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board by appointing the Deputy Director of Employment as Ex-officio Secretary of the Madras Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board. A full time Secretary was appointed as the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board, Madras in 1968.Till 1974 the Tamil Nadu Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board functioned under the administrative control of Employment and Training Department.

From 26.10.1974 the Directorate of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare, also called as Rajya Sainik Board started functioning. The Department of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare is under administrative control of the Public Department, and is responsible for the rehabilitation and resettlement of Ex-Servicemen and their dependants and welfare of the families of Serving Defence Personnel in the State. The Additional / Joint / Deputy Secretary to Government, Public Department is the Ex-Officio Director of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare.

The Tamil Nadu Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board is functioning at the State Level. His Excellency, the Governor is the Patron. The Hon’ble Minister for Ex-Servicemen Welfare is the Chairman. The Chief Secretary is the Vice Chairman. The Additional / Joint Director of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare is the Secretary.

All Welfare Schemes are being implemented through the 30 District Offices, also called as Zila Sainik Boards. The Welfare of Ex-Servicemen in the districts is looked after by the Assistant Directors of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare. The District Collectors are the Presidents of the District Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board and the Deputy / Assistant Director of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare of the District is the Secretary.

Sl.No. Designation Post allotted Placed Vacant
01. Assistant Director 01 01
02. Superintendent 01 01
03. Welfare Organiser 01 01
04. Assistant 02 02
05. Junior Assistant 02 01 01
06. Typist 01 01
07. Driver 01 01
08. Office Assistant 02 02