

District Administrative Setup

The Collectorate play a pivotal role in the District administration of Cuddalore. The Collector in the Cadre of I.A.S heads the District. He/She acts as the District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order in his jurisdiction. He/She deals mainly with planning and development, law and order, general elections, arms licensing etc. The Additional Collector/District Revenue Officer runs the Revenue Administration under various enactments in the District. He/She is also designed as Additional District Magistrate. He/She mainly deals with civil supplies, land matters, mines and minerals, village officers etc.
The District Revenue Officer (DRO) and Deputy Collectors assists the collector in discharging their duties. The District Revenue Officer looks after all the branches of the Collectorate. He /She deals mainly with general administration and is vested with supervision of day-to-day functions of the Collectorate.

The Project Director, District Rural Development Agency in the cadres of IAS/DRO, Personal Assistant Panchayat Development in the cadre of Deputy Collector, Municipal commissioners and Executive Officers of Town Panchayats are assisting the collector in Panchayat development and urban local body related works.

The Table below explains each and every section dealing subject in collectorate :

Deputy Collector (DBCW)BC/MBC Education Scholarship, BC/MBC Government Hostel Maintenance, Free House site patta Personal Assistant (Accounts) to Collector Budget allotment reconciliation, Audit Paras (AG), Pension grievances, festival advances

Sections and dealing subjects in Collectorate Cuddalore
S.No Section Section Head Subject
1. “A” Personal Assistnat (General) to Collector, Huzur Sarishtadar, All Establishment Matters, Office Procedures


“B” Personal Assistnat (General) to Collector, Special Tahsildar (Disaster Management) Building Licenses, Natural Disasters
3. “C” Personal Assistant (General) to Collector,

Magisterial Huzur Sarishtadar

Law and Order, Gun Licenses
4. “D” Additional Personal Assistant (Accounts) to Collector,

Additional Personal Assistant (Land) to Collector,

Head Assistant

Accounts, Salary and other Bills


5. “G: Personal Assistant (General) to Collector,

Head Assistant

Gazette Publications, Birth/Death/Nativity, Certificate genuiness verification
6. “H” Personal Assistant (General) to Collector

Head Assistant

Despatches, Arrear list
7. “I” Deputy Collector (SSS) Old Age Pension, Chief Minister Cell petition, Public Grievances
8. “K” District Supply Officer,

Personal Assistant to DSO

Ration card, PDS Essential commodities, Fair Price shop inspection, seizure (Rice, Kerosene)
9. “L” Additional Personal Assistant (Land) to Collector Land Acquisition of Railways, Highways, NLC, Sipcot, NOCL etc.,
10. ‘M” Personal Assistant (General) to Collector,

Special Tahsildar (Election), Deputy Tahsildar (Reception)

Election, Census, TNPSC Exam, VIP Visit, Motor vehicle maintenance
11. “N: Personal Assistant (General) to Collector,

Special Tahsildar

Srilankan Refugees related issues
12. “R” Deputy Collector,

Special Tahsildar

Excise License renewal, Penalty collections, rehabilitation
13. “S” Personal Assistant (Agriculture) to Collector


Farmers Grievances, PM Crop insurance schemes, Micro Irrigation
14. “V” Additional Personal Assistant (Land) to Collector,

Personal Assistant (Legal) to Collector

Free House site, Land Transfer, Land Alienation, Land Assignment, Patta transfer, Patta Appeal Cases, Encroachment, Bhoodan land,.

Court Cases

15. “W” District Adi Dravidar and welfare Officer,Superintend SC/ST Scholarship, Govt. Hostel Maintenance Free House site patta Inter caste Marriage
16. Geology and Mining Department Assistant Director Mines, Minerals, Quarry, Chamber bricks, Sand Quarries.