District Industries Centre
District Export Action Plan-Cuddalore
District Export Promotion Committee meeting- 06.01.2025 – Minutes
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The District Industries Centre, Cuddalore functioning under the Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Tamil Nadu provides counseling exhortations, training and arranges loans through the Nationalized and Scheduled Banks for those educated unemployed youth aspiring for starting Industries. To encourage the cottage and Handicrafts Industries, District Industries Centre, Cuddalore issues certificates as credential and provides all required assistances. Till 2007-08, PMRY scheme was implemented by this office thereafter merging the PMRY and Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) the new scheme known as PMEGP was introduced. The District Industries Centre also acts as an implementing agency for Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme through which the budding entrepreneurs are recommended for financial assistance and guided for implementation of new projects. The MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM INDUSTRIES POLICY 2008 of Government of Tamil Nadu and MSMED Act 2006 are also implemented by this office.
Further the Tamil Nadu Government have implemented a scheme namely, Un-Employed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP). In addition to this, during 2012-13 Hon’ble Chief Minister has announced the New Scheme called New Entrepreneur cum Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS). The Tamil Nadu Government have also introduced a scheme called “ Amma Skill Training and Employment Scheme “ vide G.O.Ms.No.25, MSME. Dept.,Dt.18.5.2015. Recently, the Tamilnadu Government have introduced Tamil Nadu Business Facilitation Ordinance and Rules dated 28.10.2017 and promulgated the Tamilnadu Government Business Facilitation Act on 12.1.2018. This act ensures single point receipt of applications for securing clearances. District Industries Centre is designated as Nodal Agency for MSMEs. In this regard the Govt of Tamil Nadu has created a website http://easybusiness.tn.gov.in .The District Industries Centre , Cuddalore also assisting the entrepreneurs in taking Energy Audit in their enterprises and in replacement of machineries through subsidy assistance Promotion of Energy Audit and Conservation of Energy (PEACE ) .
The District Industries Centre, Cuddalore is assisting in loan schemes and helping the entrepreneurs to obtain Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum and Plan Approvals. These are governed by the following website addresses to apply online for the schemes mentioned again them.
- www.udyogaadhaarmemorandum.gov.in – through this site the entrepreneurs can obtain Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum for their established units.
- www.msmeonline.tn.gov.in/uyegp – through this site the candidates can apply for loan under UYEGP Scheme.
- www.msmeonline.tn.gov.in/need – through this site the candidates can apply for loan under NEED Scheme.
- www.kviconline.gov.in – through this site the candidates can apply for loan under PMEGP Scheme.
- www.easybusiness.com – through this site the candidates can apply for licenses, clearness and permits for their enterprise.
- https://gem.gov.in – through this site the entrepreneur can market their products.
Directory Officer / Designation Landline Number
The General Manager /Joint Director (Technical) is the Head of Office of the District Industries Centre in District level. He is a Technical Officer in Engineering field and looks after all the works assigned by the Industries Commissioner and Director of Industries and Commerce.
Manager (Credit) / Deputy Director (Technical ) is an another technical officer in Engineering field and looks after the loan schemes and other related works.
The Project Manager / Assistant Director (Technical) is also a technical officer qualified in Engineering field and assists the General Manager in preparing Project report, scrutinizing subsidy files and other related works.
The Manager ( Village Industries and Administration ) / Assistant Director ( Non-Technical) is assisting the General Manager in issuing Cottage / Handicraft Certificates and Office Administration.
The Assistant Engineers are the field level officials designated for assisting the General Manager who are also qualified in Engineering field. Further the General Manager is assisted by Survey & Statistical Inspector and Investigator in survey activities and by clerical staff in office level.
The General Manager, DIC,Cuddalore,
Land line number:04142 – 290116
e-mail.id diccud@gmail.com.
Contact us
The General Manager,
District Industries Centre,
SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Cuddalore 607 001.
Phone number:04142/ 290116
e-mail.id : diccud@gmail.com.
Right to Information Act 2005
The requests received under Right to Information Act 2005 by this office are replied within the stipulated time.
The Public Information officer
Thiru.GL.Shelvam, Manager
(Village Industries & Administration)District Industries Centre,
The Assistant Public Information officer
Tmt.N.Kalaiarasi, Office Superintendent,
District Industries Centre, Cuddalore
Appellate Authority
Thiru.T.Mayathevar, General Manager,
District Industries Centre, Cuddalore
Annual Reports and Achievements
Single Window Clearance System
The Tamilnadu Government have introduced Tamil Nadu Business Facilitation Ordinance and Rules dated 28.10.2017 and promulgated the Tamilnadu Government Business Facilitation Act on 12.1.2018. This act ensures single point receipt of applications for securing clearances in a time bound manner. The District Industries Centre is designated as Nodal Agency for MSMEs. Under this act time lines for the clearance are framed. A District Level MSME District single window committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of District Collector with members from various departments and vested with powers of issuing deemed approval for certain clearances. The erring enterprises and Department officials who have not adhered time frame will be penalized under this Act.
New Entrepreneur cum Enterprise Development Scheme(NEEDS)
This scheme is implemented by the Tamilnadu Government from the year 2012. First generation entrepreneur with qualification of any degree /ITI/ Diploma can apply under this scheme for manufacturing / Service category. Project assistance from Rs.10.00 Lakhs to 5.00 Crore with subsidy component of Rs.25% of the fixed assets with a maximum ceiling of Rs.25 lakhs. The age limit is 21 to 35 years for general and up to 45 years for special category.
For the last Six years (2012-2018) 89 beneficiaries were issued loan assistance with a subsidy amount of Rs.668.78 lakhs.
Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP)
This scheme is implemented by the Tamilnadu Government from the year 2010. Unemployed youth with 8th standard pass can apply under this scheme for manufacturing activity up to 10.00 lakhs project cost, for service activity up to 3.00 lakhs, for business activity up to 1.00 lakh. The age limit is 18 years to 35 years for general and up to 45 years for special category with income ceiling of Rs.1,50,000/- per annum with subsidy component of 25% of the project cost with a maximum ceiling of Rs.1.25 lakhs.
For the last Seven years (2011-2018) 1142 beneficiaries were issued loan assistance with a subsidy amount of Rs.614.95 lakhs.
Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme(PMEGP)
This scheme is implemented by the Government of India. Unemployed persons above 18 years old can apply under this scheme for the manufacturing activity up to Rs. 25.00 lakhs project cost and for service activity up to Rs.10.00 lakhs with subsidy component of 25% /35% of project cost in rural areas for General and Special category respectively and 15% / 25% of project cost for General and Special category respectively in urban areas. Minimum qualification for projects above Rs.10.00 lakhs under manufacturing and Rs.5.00 lakhs under service category is 8th standard pass.
For the last Seven years (2011-2018) 170 beneficiaries were issued loan assistance with a subsidy amount of Rs.570.65 lakhs.
Support provided for exisiting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM)
Government of India vide notification dated 18.9.2015 superseded the filing of EM part I and EM Part II and introduced Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum through online website www.udyogaadhaar.gov.in. The enterprise who has commenced it’s commercial production may file Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum.
All Micro manufacturing enterprises established anywhere in the State of Tamil Nadu are eligible for 25% Capital Subsidy on Plant and Machinery value
Micro, Small and Medium manufacturing Enterprises established in industrially backward areas and the Agro Based Industries in the State are eligible for 25% Capital subsidy on the eligible plant and machinery value with a maximum subsidy amount of Rs.30 lakhs.
Special Capital Subsidy for Thrust Sector Industries set up anywhere in the State of Tamil Nadu are eligible for 25% Special Capital Subsidy on the value of eligible plant and machinery value with a maximum subsidy amount of Rs.30.00 lakhs.
For the last Seven years (2011-2018) 153 units were issued with a subsidy amount of Rs.269.31 lakhs.
To optimize the Energy consumption in the MSME Sector, Promotion of Energy Audit and Conservation of Energy (PEACE SCHEME) is introduced and for energy audit subsidy component of Rs.75,000/- ( maximum ) is given. Incentive for implementing the recommendations of the Energy Audit Report for Rs.2.00 lakhs Maximum.
All the Micro manufacturing Enterprises located anywhere in the State and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises located in industrially backward areas are eligible for 20% LTPT Subsidy for 3 years from the date of commercial production.
For the last Seven years (2011-2018) 161 units were issued with a subsidy amount of Rs.121.52 lakhs.
Generator Subsidy
Generator subsidy at 25% of the cost of new generator sets up to 320 KVA capacity subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 lakhs. For the last Seven years (2011-2018) 88 units were issued with a subsidy amount of Rs.83.36 lakhs.
Value Added Tax Reimbursement
All the Micro manufacturing enterprises located anywhere in the State are eligible for 100% subsidy on the net Value Added Tax ( VAT ) paid by them for the first six years up to the value of investment made on eligible plant and machinery.
For the last Seven years (2011-2018) 35 units were issued with a subsidy amount of Rs.57.61 lakhs.
Amma Skill Employment and Training Scheme
Under this scheme it is proposed to give employment based job oriented training to the educated youths for the maximum period of 6 months (according to the field of training the duration of training will vary) and the MSME enterprises which give training and employment will have to give stipend of Rs.5000 per month. On completion of training the government will reimburse an amount of Rs.2000 per month.
For the last two years (2016-2018) 1064 beneficiaries were trained under the scheme.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]